
Vermont Innovation Box

Creation of the website concept, design, and operational software for the company that offers an idea-provoking environment with everything required for launching the business and its further extension.


Responsive web design of the site

Vermont Innovation Box website easily adapts to any type of screens without losing a bit of the aesthetic or of the initial concept. That allows visitors to get the full picture and don’t miss a single piece of information while viewing the offer.

Vermont Innovation Box website was developed with the help of the following technologies:

  • Pug – Pug.js is a powerful HTML templating engine, which helps to write more productive and readable code;
  • SCSS – the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension;
  • GULP – a cross-platform, streaming task runner that let us automate many time-consuming development tasks;
  • PHP – the most used server-side scripting language;
  • JavaScript – is most commonly used as a client side scripting language;
  • JQUERY – modern tool in web development.

Website available in a form of application

Emirates Wealth application is written using the PWA (Progressive Web Apps) technology. PWA is one of the hottest trends in the web development industry. It combines the best of the web technologies in a form of the application. Website can be installed on your mobile device as an app and you can run it locally without the internet connection.

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